Active Meditation
ma 21 mei
|Centrum aan het Spaarne kamer 6
Meditation helps to live a stress-free life. Life becomes peaceful, beautiful, graceful, and meaningful.

Tijd en locatie
21 mei 2018, 16:00 – 18:00
Centrum aan het Spaarne kamer 6, Spaarne 112a, 2011 CM Haarlem, Netherlands
Over het evenement
Life is full of challenges. These challenges are not to reach to the moon or to climb to the peak of the Mount Everest. These challenges are not outside, they are within ourselves. How can I be happy? How can I be contented? How can I come up from my misery mind? How can I be free from my negative emotions like anger, sadness, jealousy? How I can live a stress-free and healthy life? ÂÂHow to transform these challenges? If we are not free from our negative emotions or not stress free, we can have all successes like career, money, properties but we will remain shallow, empty, and discontented in our life. Meditation helps to transform all negative emotions like anger, jealousy into love. Meditation helps to live a stress-free life. Life becomes peaceful, beautiful, graceful, and meaningful.
Today we introduce one of the active meditation techniques. The class starts with an explanation of the technique, then one hour of meditation. After meditation there is time for sharing experiences and asking questions about meditation. (Bharat Bhushan Dhingra, in English)
Monday 21 May 2018 (Whitmonday) 4.00-6.00 p.m. in Haarlem.
Costs € 7,- please bring cash
Register through the website
Teacher: Bharat Bhushan Dhingra 06-29 58 66 30