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Meditation lesson in Haarlem

Introduction lesson in one of the active or passive meditations

1 uu 30 min.
24 euro

Beschrijving van de dienst

Weekly lessons on Saturday morning 10.00-12.00 Every lesson Bharat introduces one meditation technique. It can be an active or passive meditation technique, like Nadabrahma, Kundalini, Chakra sounds or another meditation technique. Bharat: "I love to share how one can be contented in his life. Life is just a challenge in itself. This is an opportunity just not to miss it in mundane things." In these lessons Bharat will explain the meditation technique: what to do, how to do it and he will guide you through the meditation. After meditation there is time to share your experiences and ask questions. Program: 09.55 door open 10.00-10.15 introduction to the meditation technique 10.15-11.15 meditation 11.15-11.30 sharing and questions From 11.30-12.00u you can have tea/coffee and some snacks/fruits/nuts. You will get the instructions, so you can do the meditation also at home. The weekly lessons help to make meditation a part of your daily life. Maximum 14 participants Price € 24,- per lesson or € 85,- for a plan of 5 lessons (within 2 months)

Aankomende sessies


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  • Nassaulaan 39, 2011 PB Haarlem, Netherlands

    + 0644868687

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