Awareness & Health 3 months plan
Tailormade program consisting of individual guidance by Bharat, group and/or homework meditations
Beschrijving van de dienst
If you like to have the guidance of Bharat during a period of 3 months, to help you work out some issues and to get to a deeper level of awareness, then we can make a plan for it: how your meditation program will be, your individual sessions with Bharat (in person or by telephone), when to join in the group meditations or special courses, and to what you can do at home (your meditation homework). This will be a personalised plan. "Today I can say without the help of meditation, one misses the real meaning of life. Very difficult one can be contented in the life. One will fall into big frustration today or tomorrow even having all sucess and money. One can not escape to face the shallowness or meaninglessness of life. One can not love without having the insight of inner reality. Otherwise it will end up today or tomorrow in frustration. Meditation brings you beauty, peace , inner contentment, but these all come as a fragrance when one is experiencing or dissolving in existence." - Bharat Dhingra - If you are interested, please send an email to with your name, telephone and a short motivation for this plan.
Annuleringen graag per email naar doorgeven. Bij annulering binnen 24 uur kunnen kosten in rekening worden gebracht. Weet je zelf iemand die jouw plekje zou willen innemen? Dat wordt altijd op prijs gesteld. Graag even een berichtje met naam, telefoonnummer en email van degene die in jouw plaats komt. Je kunt voor jezelf een nieuwe afspraak inplannen of cursus boeken via de website
Nassaulaan 39, 2011 PB Haarlem, Netherlands