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Bharat Bhushan Dhingra

Meditation Teacher

He was born in Kaithal, Haryana India. He became interested in meditation in his teenage. The basic question was, to know about life and inner reality. He went through so many different processes of meditation. 

"Today I can say without the help of meditation, one misses the real meaning of life. Very difficult one can be contented in the life. One will fall into big frustration today or tomorrow even having all sucess and money. One can not escape to face the shallowness or meaninglessness of life. One can not love without having the insight of inner reality. Otherwise it will end up today or tomorrow in frustration. Meditation brings you beauty, peace , inner contentment, but these all come as a fragrance when one is experiencing meditation, or dissolving in existence."​

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He completed his education in post graduate in Commerce with teaching diploma in Commerce.He went through so many different ways of meditations: traditional Hindu`s techniques of meditation, yoga, tantra. He went through long period of silence, followed Buddha’s techniques and went through zazen also.In his young age he went to Osho Commune International in India and became disciple of Beloved Master Osho. He got his sanyas name Swami Prem Asheesh. He had been there  as guest for many years.  He went through experience  about inner transformation.

"I love to share how one can be contented in his life. Life is just a challenge in itself. This is an opportunity just not to miss it in mundane things."

He is director of a meditation centre in India and also of Y&D-Group.
Since 2006  he lives in The Netherlands and has his own meditation centres where he gives lessons and teacher training. He leads meditation courses in the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and several other places.

""Life is full of challenges. These challenges are not to reach to the moon or to climb to the peak of the Mount Everest. These challenges are not outside, they are within ourselves. How can I be contented? How can I come up from my misery mind? How can I be free from anger, sadness, jealousy? How I can live a stress-free and healthy life? ­­How to transform these challenges? If we did not explore to our inner reality, then  we can have all successes like career, money, properties but we will remain shallow, empty, and discontented in our life. Meditation helps to transform all negative emotions like anger, jealousy into love. Meditation helps to live a stress-free life. Life becomes contented and meaningful."

- Bharat Bhushan Dhingra -

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Yvonne Lustig

Acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist, 

Shiatsu massage therapist, Chair masseur

I am a qualified Chinese herbalist (diplom 2013), acupuncturist (2009), Shiatsu massage therapist (2002), chair masseur (2002), Thai masseur (Thailand, 1997) and occupational therapist (Higher vocational education,1986, Bachelor in Science).


Covered by your insurance

I am affiliated with the professional association VNT (Vereniging van Natuurgenees-kundig Therapeuten, which means Association of Naturopathic Therapists). I am having an AGB-code, which will be mentioned on the invoice.

Acupuncture treatments and Shiatsu massage therapy are often covered by your additional health insurance. This does NOT effect your "own contribution" (eigen risico).

If you want to check whether your insurance covers the treatments, please click here.


I give several massage workshops at the University (VU) Griffioen. Also I give massage workshops at other locations, like the International Federation of Medical Students Association, the Co-Raad vereniging voor coassistenten en masterstudenten van het VU Medisch Centrum, en the tennis club TeniSTA.

Would you also like a workshop in your organisation? Please connect with me. The workshops can be completely accustomed to your group.



I traveled a lot in Asia and I worked as a tourleader, especially in China, Tibet, India, Nepal and Mongolia.
I worked seven years at the Nederlandse Stichting voor Tibetaanse Geneeskunde (NSTG, Dutch Foundation for Tibetan Medicine).

Since 2000 I give massages, and acupuncture since 2009. I gave chair massages in many company and at events.

I give several massage workshops, for instance in the VU University since 2007.


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