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Meditatie- cursussen

We organiseren:
- NIEUW: Meditation and Emotions, weekly lessons on Sunday morning: special meditation lessons to focus on your personal issue.
- Wekelijkse meditatielessen in de praktijk in Haarlem
- Volle maanmeditatie met zingen/dansen/muziek maken
- Individuele begeleidingssessies met Bharat
- Sessies voor mensen met PTSS, burnout, chronische stress en andere gerelateerde klachten: Bharat luistert naar het diepere verhaal achter je woorden en Yvonne geeft een acupunctuur- of shiatsusessie die op je klachten gericht is. In Haarlem en Utrecht.

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Intensive meditation courses with special themes:
- Transforming your Anger into Compassion
- From Falling in Love to Rising in Love
- Art of Listening to your Body.

Ook verzorgen we meditatiecursussen bij de VU (Vrije Universiteit, Amstelveen) en maatwerkcursussen.

Onze activiteiten staan vermeld bij de "Upcoming Events" en onder de button "afspraak maken" (en kies dan voor 'meditatie').
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Transforming Anger into Compassion
Bharat Dhingra

In this intense course we will do meditation and meditation exercises. This will help more to understand conditioning mind and how anger can be transformed into compassion. This energy not to go to react to other, but it will become strength, creativity, blissfullness and compassion. It is going to be a very intensive process. “A responsible person is...who takes the responsibility of his negative emotions and tries to transform it, instead of to throw on the other. This is the real challenge in the life. Life is beautiful with full of contentment when one is responsible towards self“ – Bharat


Sunset Love
From Falling in Love
to Rising in Love
Bharat Dhingra

This is a short, intensive meditation course. In these three lessons we will focus on how meditation can help you in your friendships and relationships. We will do meditations and meditation exercises which will make us more silent and aware. When we have a deeper connection with ourselves, it will help us to deepen and enrich our friendships. Instead of becoming entangled in emotions like anger, jealousy, and wanting to change the other person, meditation will help us to accept ourselves and the other, to be yourself, to feel free in the relationship and to understand each other. "Rising in love is something spiritual. Falling in love is something biological. Love should come out of your silence, awareness, meditativeness. It is giving freedom to each other more and more. As love grows deeper, freedom becomes bigger. As the love grows deeper, you start accepting the person as he is" - Osho

Art of Listening to your Body
Bharat Dhingra

In this course, with the help of special meditation, you can come so close to yourself and your body. And in this deep process you come to know, how conditioning mind is working and having its impact on your body. You come to know your body blockages, and then with help of meditations, you can become free from it. If you are facing some physical problem in your body, you have the chance to share your personal issues. In this process, you will get also individual session of acupuncture with Yvonne about it related with your issue. This is intense course is having 3 lessons in 3 weeks. It also contains an acupuncture session with Yvonne à € 75,00 to plan on Monday, Thursday or Friday.

Bharat Dhingra

Als je hulp wilt bij je persoonlijke kwesties zoals relatie, ziekte of gerelateerd aan stress, en hoe meditatie je daarbij kan helpen, kan je een afspraak maken voor een individuele sessie met Asheesh.


Moon Gazing

Bharat Dhingra & Yvonne Lustig
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